Young Women's Transitional Services
and Mentoring Program

The Young Women's Transitional Services and Mentoring (YWTS) was developed to empower women and girls by utilizing a multifaceted, systematic approach. YWTS includes mentoring, community outreach, and Leadership development. In addition, workshops and training will be provided in the areas of job preparation and readiness, financial literacy, etiquette, self-esteem building, educational opportunities, counseling, goal setting, public speaking, test taking skills, SAT & College Prep, law enforcement test prep, activities include one-on-one mentoring, group mentoring, peer mentoring, e-mentoring, academic enrichment, life skills training, field trips, community service projects, career exploration, internships, summer enrichment & employment, life-coaching, counseling services, and entrepreneurship. Program participants will also have access to advocacy and supportive services to establish a more effective, coordinated approach. Additionally, the program will provide a stepping stones process that will address the immediate needs of the underprivileged and underserved minority women and girls in our geographical communities.
To help foster and nurture their outlook on ways to catapult them to their highest level of self-actualization, we strive to help them to understand the importance of My Sister's Keeper. It is the building and development of a trusted relationship between the Mentor and Mentee and thus, a place where the Mentees can learn and grow. We are here for them.
This is accomplished through Program initiatives, empowerment strategies, and other creative approaches. The program will help them realize the interchangeable power that they each possess, which will help them to overcome any unjust treatment they might have endured, by Instilling an I can trajectory; and a customary way of imparting beneficial components to strengthen and empower the adolescent girls and women that will receive services from this program. Assistance provided by this program will benefit young girls and women who live in self-destructive and marginalized ways of thinking, and doing things due to a lack of resources, awareness, and prevention measures. As a result, they will no longer suffer in silence and receive sufficient services to turn their lives around. To finally get the chance to live the life they always dreamed of having and deserve; this will help to cultivate more women into leaders.
Our Advocates have over 30 years experience in leadership and victim advocacy, serving the private and public sectors. They work hard on behalf of women and girls of color, advocating through the Educational, Legal, Human Services systems, Alternatives /Intensive Care Facilities, Shelters and Emergency Housing. They are our 'Champions' as they work with Counselors and Social Workers serving Individuals and those with Developmental Disabilities.
Thank You to our
Concert Sponsors
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Suffolk County Chapter
A&M Electrical Contractor, Ltd
Wake Cake and Soul, LLC
Darryl Mayo Productions - DMP
Geeque Palace Radio
WRIV Radio - 1390 AM
Long Island Ice & Fuel
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Riverhead
Island Portable
BJ's Wholesale Club
Edward A. Graves Agency, Inc
Lupton & Luce Insurance Agency
Claudette Welch - Arroyo
Tracy Haskins
Sarah Bullock
Bruce Wright
Ethel Lemay
Nick Felix