Founded in 1996 and incorporated in 2002, The African-American Educational and Cultural Festival, Inc. is a Not-for-profit, 501C(3) BIPOC organization as determined by the IRS and NYS Bureau of Charities. We are composed of devoted, diverse, and multicultural members, representing industry, government, education, entertainment, finance, entrepreneurs, health & human services, retirees, clergy, civic and fraternal groups. It honors, embraces, celebrates and pays tribute to the African American culture and its history.
Since diversity is one of our nation's strengths, we wish to build our youth into stronger citizens, who are aware, sensitive to differences and capable of constructive expression of dissimilar opinions. Our objective is to provide a wealth of educational and cultural experiences. We also look to continue to promote and sponsor special educational and entertainment events and festivals held online and in-person.
Our Programs: Speaker Bureau, Transformation, Prevention and Intervention Programs, Mentoring, Advocacy, Educational & Art Exhibits, Entrepreneur & Apprentice Training & Skills, Health & Wellness Initiatives, College Preparation and Partnership with School Districts, Colleges and Universities, and much more. Our Programs are designed and supports special education and related service programming for children, youth and adults with disabilities.
Board of Directors and Advisory Board

Executive Board
Marylin Banks-Winter,
Founding President & Co-Chair
Prof. James Banks,
Vice President & Co-Chair
Jennie Taylor-Davis,
Executive Secretary
Nick Felix,

Board of Directors
Phil Andrews
Jamaal Boyce
Su Chen
Rev. Mary A. Cooper
Lillie B. Crowder
Awa Drame
Jeffrey Pegram
Jabari Thompson
Denice Sheppard
Jesse Warren
Elena Rivera-Williams
Rev. Justin Winter, Sr.

Advisory Board
Mergim Bazhdari
Honorable Maryeta Booker
Joel Diamond
Eric Naughton
Cynthia Richardson
Debra Britton-Riley
Jackie Tapley
Annette M. Totten, Esq
Robert C. Ward